My Personal Productivity Journey

How we spend our days is how we live our life.

We hear this all the time. I try to live by it personally + professionally.

For me, that journey involves finding the tools to be my best self on both sides of the equation.

I can’t handle everything in my head. Our brains aren’t meant to track minute tasks anyway.

When I eventually started tracking my habits against my goals + accomplishments, I realized a couple of simple, hard truths:

I’m bad at focusing. And I carry a lot of stress and anxiety.

Those emotions don’t help me reach my goals, but they’re solvable through mindfulness, intention, and a little bit of planning.

Integrating those changes has been a massive undertaking.

And I don’t think I’ve been alone on that journey.

Mindfulness and intention are really in the zeitgeist these days, and tech is helping us inch towards those empowered, best selves.

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