Your network is your net worth

Your network is your net worth.

This idiom always struck me as transactional, and frankly, cringe.

But there's truth to it. Let's unpack:

Meaningful connections do add a unique richness to our lives. They serve as a foundation for both personal and professional growth.

And there are network effects. Every additional connection you make amplifies the value for your whole network; there’s a multiplier effect.

As your network grows, each new connection increases in value not just for you, but for everyone within the network. It's the quintessential example of "the whole being greater than the sum of its parts".

But not all connections are created equal. There are different depths of connections. And that’s ok because every node in your network adds value.

For me, there are two main categories:

  1. Shared context These are people who share an experience with you. Could be a common circumstance, event, or experience. They relate to a part of your life journey.

  2. Shared values These are the people you connect with on a deeper level. The bond comes from shared principles, beliefs, or a worldview. These connections touch your soul.

The beauty is that these categories are not mutually exclusive nor are they tied to the duration of the relationship.

My childhood neighbor (a shared circumstance) is also the person who empowers me to be my most feminist self (a shared worldview). Similarly, I've had the experience of attending a conference and forming an immediate, soul-deep bond with someone I'd just met. Even though we were strangers, our connection was so profound that it felt like she had known me inside out for decades.

Each connection brings something unique to the table. It doesn't matter if the bond is based on shared circumstances or shared values or both – every node adds richness and diversity to your network.

Both connections add value. The second type feeds my soul. And the more soul-level connections I discover: the more grateful, aware, and awake I become of my own true self.

Don't shy away from expanding and cultivating your network. There's a unique richness waiting to be discovered in every new person you meet and an opportunity to find more unique soul-level connections.

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