To think clearly, subtract the unnecessary

Suffering from burnout? Try time blocking! ⏰

Some days, I feel overwhelmed by all the thoughts and priorities I’m juggling in my brain.

😫When I’m drowning in information and conflicting priorities...

β†’ My mental clutter grows

β†’ Decision fatigue sets in

β†’ My creativity disappears

I get burned out.

Time blocking is the only framework that helps me reset. πŸ”„

Three steps & my clarity of thought is back: ✨

1️⃣ I dump everything on my mind into one place.

2️⃣ Once it’s all in one visualizable spot, I prioritize tasks by time + urgency.

3️⃣ I plan out exactly which date & time I’m going to do what.

The best part? The more time blocking I do, the better I feel.

By subtracting the unnecessary from my mind, I create room for what truly matters.

Less time worrying about the work itself = More mental freedom and clarity = A far happier version of myself πŸ₯³

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