Stress is your greatest performance enhancer *

Stress is your greatest performance enhancer, but only if you know how to use it.

The Yerkes-Dodson Law suggests there's a lot of nuance to the relationship between stress and performance. πŸ’‘Stress & performance share a curvilinear relationship so stress can boost performance up to a point, but too much can hinder it.

🎯The key is to find that sweet spot!

High performers are aware of their individual stress-performance curve and consciously work on shifting the apex to the right, allowing them to handle higher levels of stress without compromising their performance. πŸ“ˆ

πŸ”‘ So, what can you do to play the game more effectively? 1️⃣ Develop self-awareness: Understand your stress triggers and identify your optimal stress levels. 2️⃣ Learn stress management techniques: Deep breathing, mindfulness, and exercise can help you manage your stress response. 3️⃣ Embrace change: Adapt to new situations and develop resilience by overcoming challenges.

Stress can be your friend, but only when you strike the right balance.

Embrace the Yerkes-Dodson Law to unlock your full potential and thrive under pressure!

Last updated