Make a plan *

Feel like life is out of your control?

Here are my 3 mindset-shifting practices to embrace high agency when problem-solving:

1️⃣ Adjust your self-talk 🧠 2️⃣ Focus on your circle of influence πŸ”˜ 3️⃣ Find a way or make a way πŸš€

🧠 Adjust your self-talk:

Psychologist Ethan Kross's study shows that constructive self-talk can improve problem-solving and performance.

Find encouragement by mentally repeating affirmations like β€œEvery problem has a solution. I just need to find the right approach.”

πŸ”˜Focus on your circle of influence:

"Atomic Habits" author James Clear emphasizes the benefits of concentrating on aspects of life that you can control.

Direct your mental energy only on what you can influence.

πŸš€ Find a way or make a way:

Carol Dweck's research on growth mindset reveals that individuals who believe in their ability to grow are more likely to persist in the face of adversity.

Keep showing up with a "can-do" attitude to increase your resilience to roadblocks.

You are the captain of your own ship.

Break down your goals, prioritize and re-plan in the face of adversity, and consistently execute your plans.

By embracing high agency, you can steer your life in the direction of your dreams. ⛡️

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