How to stop procrastinating

You’re probably procrastinating at this very moment.

And you’re not alone – about 15–20% of all adults procrastinate regularly.

It’s a cycle that can lead to intense overwhelm, even reaching the point of complete burnout.

Fortunately, there are tactical strategies to take back control of your 24 hours.

There are tons of standard tips: Ensure your workplace is distraction-free, create reward systems, break tasks down into smaller parts, etc. etc.

More importantly, the key to preventing procrastination is *getting to know yourself*.

Ask yourself 3 questions to start:

1) Am I setting true boundaries with my time?

2) What are my existing routines?

3) What are my peak productivity hours?

Creating an honest understanding of how you uniquely work best will help you break the procrastination ↔ burnout cycle!

Last updated