Compete with yourself

Embrace competition, but the real race is with yourself.

Strive to outdo yesterday's you every day.

By becoming your own fiercest competitor, you outgrow external rivals: you cut the stress from competing with others.

10 competitive edges to cultivate within yourself:

  1. Intellectual Curiosity: Embrace it, fortune favors the curious.

  2. Comfort with Discomfort: Growth lives outside your comfort zone.

  3. Simplify Complex Ideas: Genius makes complex simple. (Feynman Technique)

  4. Tolerance for Failure: Embrace it, learn to fail smart and fast.

  5. Low Time Preference: Delay gratification for real value.

  6. Antifragility: Benefit from chaos, grow stronger with each setback.

  7. Presence: Be fully present, it's a rare gift.

  8. Relentless Consistency: Show up, every single day.

  9. Noise Cancellation: Filter out noise, focus is powerful.

  10. Be Yourself: No one can compete with you at being you.

πŸš€ Start building these competitive edges today. Any others you would add?

Last updated