Brain Dumping with Smarty

I find that anxiety often stems from a buildup of tasks and the burden of figuring out how to complete them… rather than from the tasks themselves.

Here’s an example of how this happens in my own life:

I’m lucky that through my work, I get to connect with super interesting founders and inspiring folks.

I love to follow up these chats with an email, thanking everyone for their time and aiming to really solidify that new relationship.

Each one of those emails only takes 15–20 minutes to send, but they add up.

The stress of worrying about forgetting to send those emails feels far more taxing than actually sending the emails themselves.

Enter Smarty:

When I first built Smarty, it was a Chrome extension for storing my email templates.

Suddenly, I could simply click on a template, slot in the name of the person I’d just met, and Smarty filled in all of the details and links automatically.

That shortened a 15–20 minute task to a 2–5 minute one. One or two clicks, and I was done.

That efficiency is a game-changer.

And I’m aiming to bring it to every aspect of clutter and task anxiety at work.

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