Motivation is Overrated *

Can we talk about how motivation is overrated? πŸ€”

Productivity is defined by 3 things, and fleeting willpower is not one of them:

  • Your Goals 🎯

  • Your Habits πŸ’ͺ

  • Your Data πŸ“Š

As an analytical thinker, I've come to realize that these factors work together to drive productivity, especially when your growth mindset and adaptability support the process.

πŸ“ˆ The Math:

  • SMART goals increase your likelihood of goal attainment by up to 76%!

  • Habits practiced for over 84 days have an 82% chance of achieving automaticity

  • Self-monitoring & tracking your progress leads to a 23% increase in your likelihood of achieving your goal

πŸ“ My Steps:

  1. Reverse engineer your SMART goal into a habit.

  2. Focus solely on the consistency of that habit.

  3. Track your progress and course-correct as needed.

Automaticity happens when you do something enough times that it's just so easy and you don't have to think about it. That's why consistency is key!

πŸ’‘ The Takeaway: Waiting for inspiration or an internal drive to get things done is a losing battle.

Focus on consistency and the interplay between your goals, habits, and data to make the most of your productivity journey.

πŸš€ Some notes: SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

The Habit loop (Cue, Routine, Reward) creates stickiness in your routines. Start small.

Create a visual representation of your consistency. Tracking will help you not "break the chain" πŸ—“οΈπŸ”—

Consistency breeds motivation.

Last updated