How to declutter your digital environment

If your digital environment is cluttered, so is your mind.

You may find yourself constantly:

- Toggling between tabs

- Hopping in + out of Zoom meeting

- Juggling Slack convos.

All of these are distractions. And we’re working like this every day, without much thought.

Once the day’s over, we feel exhausted… but also like we haven’t accomplished much.

That’s because multitasking isn’t a sustainable work strategy.

The decision fatigue of task-switching takes a huge toll on your brain. In fact, Dr. Clifford Nass, a Stanford psychology professor, says it’s impossible for us to actually perform multiple tasks simultaneously.

Unfortunately, constant multitasking + task-switching is basically the norm in the workplace.

So, it’s up to us to take matters into our own hands & craft our own hygienic work environments.

: The Myth Of Multitasking : NPR

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