Feeling stuck? Try re-framing

Humans are quick to contextualize. It's easy for us to get trapped in the 'framing' presented before us.

The Art of Spotting Opportunities to Reframe πŸ–ΌοΈ:

  • Numbers: Relative πŸ“Š vs. Absolute πŸ”’

    • Is a 10% increase in sales significant? Compare that to an absolute number: "We sold 100 more units this quarter."

  • Words: Emotive πŸ’” vs. Dispassionate πŸ“„

    • Consider "The tragic accident was heart-wrenching" against "The accident resulted in several injuries."

  • Images: Vibrant 🌈 vs. Dull 🌚

    • Think of a bright, colorful advertisement vs. a muted, serious public service announcement.

Reframing allows us to shift and play with these frames, helping us see things from different angles and ultimately building a clearer, more accurate picture πŸ”„

Tips for Effective Reframing:

  1. Diversify Your Sources πŸ“š: Get information from various places.

  2. Explore Different Causes 🧠: Look beyond the obvious reasons.

  3. Think of Broader Outcomes 🌍: What are the long-term implications?

Always challenge yourself: Are the facts and figures presented relatively true, or are they absolute truths?

Questioning what's presented to us and seeking facts help us change our perspective.

Dive deeper, ask questions, and manipulate the frame! πŸ”πŸ”„

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