4. Your Network is Your Net Worth

(4/5) Network! Despite my love/hate relationship with the idiom that your network is your net worth, I’ve realized over the years how much of what I’ve loved about my life was only possible because of whom I knew. Networking has also given me a new perspective on friendships. Not all life connections are created equal. There are different depths to our relationships. And that’s ok. Sometimes folks in your network are from a shared context, a common experience that ties you together. Sometimes people you meet evoke a deeper connection based on mutual beliefs or worldview. Sometimes your friends share both with you, shared values and a common context. These connections in your life can be superficial or they can touch your soul. Either way, each person adds value to your network. And each one has the potential for a soul-level connection with you. So don't shy away from expanding and cultivating your network. There's a unique richness waiting to be discovered in every new person you meet. And I’m excited to put that into practice further this week. Hit me up if you’re in LA (or SF)!

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