Prioritizing with Smarty

The biggest barrier to getting things done?

Failing to prioritize your tasks.

When everything feels important, overwhelm becomes your biggest blocker.

Luckily, there are 3 tried-and-true methods for prioritizing tasks:

1) The Ivy Lee Method

This suggests you write down what you need to do tomorrow β†’ prioritize the tasks β†’ repeat.

2) The Eisenhower Matrix

This distinguishes important vs. urgent tasks. What should you do / defer / delegate / delete?

3) The GTD Method

This is distilled down to 5 verbs: Capture β†’ clarify β†’ organize β†’ reflect β†’ engage

At @Smarty, we combine winning strategies from all 3 of these methods for the most effective prioritization possible. Drop me a line today to explore our hybrid model with us!

Last updated