Stuck and trying to innovate? First Principles + 5 Whys

Are you stuck on a problem and not sure what to do next? Or are you looking for a creative solution but not sure how to get started?

That’s when you use First Principles Thinking.

When you’re trying to understand a complex issue, instead of going with the flow or leaning on popular opinion, dissect your problem.

Aim to uncover its raw, undeniable truthsβ€”the core facts, not assumptions. 🧩

How do you do that? Embrace your inner child.

Do you know how kids pepper you with β€œWhy?” every time they learn something new. They’re naturally applying first principles thinking as a way to understand the world around them.

It's a hint for us. Each time you're puzzled, keep asking "Why?" until you've dug down to the fundamentals.

It’s a technique I learned at Harvard Business School and officially, it’s called the Five Whys. Toyota, the car company, developed this methodology when they were re-evaluating and trying to innovate their manufacturing practices. Now hundreds of companies use this technique.

The goal isn't to reinvent the wheel but to understand it so deeply that you can innovate beyond itβ€”maybe even turning that wheel into a hoverboard. πŸ›Ή

Next time a challenge stands in your way, ask: Can you break it down to its purest form? Can you discover its 'first principles'? And can you unleash your inner toddler's curiosity with a persistent... "Why?" πŸš€

Your reward? A burst of clarity and creative solutions waiting to be unlocked. πŸŽ‰

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